World Space Week is the annual week of celebrating achievements and contributions of Space Science, technology, and its applications. To educate young students and the general masses about the bounties of space technology and its applications, United Nations General Assembly has declared 4th-10th October as World Space Week. The dates signify the UN General the launch of the first human-made earth satellite, Sputnik 1 on 4th October, 1957, and the signing of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Peaceful Uses Outer Space, on 10th October 1967.
World Space Week Association (, a non-government, non-profit international organization, coordinates this celebratory week worldwide through National Coordinators appointed in each country. The week is celebrated around the globe in more than 96 countries with 8000+ participants worldwide; organized by different space agencies, aerospace companies, schools, planetaria, museums, and astronomy clubs, all synchronized for an impactful public awareness. In Pakistan, the event is coordinated by the country’s National Coordinator, the Secretary of the National Space Agency of Pakistan, SUPARCO, through Space Education and Awareness Drive (SEAD). The Space Education and Research Lab of the National Center of GIS and Space Applications at Institute of Space Technology is the main lead for organizing world space week.
Our Legacy
Institute of Space Technology holds the legacy of celebrating World Space Week in Pakistan since 2005 in collaboration with the National Space Agency of Pakistan, SUPARCO, to promote space education and awareness among the mass public.
IST cherishes the honor of organizing maximum events in Pakistan during WSW every year. The number of events, participating students and schools, has increased exponentially in the last fifteen years. Following a predefined theme set by World Space Week Association, various space-related activities are planned for space enthusiasts.
IST cherishes the honor of organizing maximum events in Pakistan during WSW every year. The number of events, participating students and schools have increased exponentially in the last fifteen years. Following a predefined theme set by World Space Week Association, various space-related activities are planned for the space-enthusiasts.
World Space Week 2021
Every year, World Space Week Association (WSWA) declares a theme to highlight a specific aspect of space. National coordinators then plan and organize events around this theme. The theme for WSW ’21 is “Women in Space”; celebrating the contribution of women in space and inspiring young women to pursue a career in space sciences.
Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to launch off in space. Women have set records for spacewalks and the longest space flights. However, statistics show an evident gap in the number of men and women who pursue a career in space technology. Research has ruled out the possible cause of mental ability. Therefore, the gap is due to a lack of awareness regarding women’s career paths in the space sector.
Following the theme of women in space, NCGSA aims to mitigate career options and raise space awareness among women through space-related activities and competitions. With 190+ modules for students of grades 5th to 12th, participants will be able to participate in a diverse range of fun learning activities. Twenty categories covering different domains are designed to include students with different interests and skills. The week will be a learning opportunity- especially for space enthusiasts-to pursue a career in space technology.
WSW’21 is planned from October 4-8, 2021. Pertaining to covid-19, it will be held online with an expected participation of more than 3000 students from across the country. 100+ adjudicators, including academicians and subject matter experts, and scientists, will join the event.
Categories and Modules
The World space week 2021 will hold more than 190 modules in 17 major categories.
- Space In Quran: Explanation of Universe
- Space Poetry: Rhythm in Space
- Space Declamation: Speak for Space
- Story Telling: Space Tales
- Aviation Quest: Manoeuvring through Skies
- Mathematical Quiz: Space Mathematica
- Glossary Learner: Space Concept Builder
- Spellathon: Space Vocabulary
- Space Techathon: Beyond Earth
- Space Flight Sequencing: Countdown to Launch
- Crossword: Space Puzzles
- Essay Writing: Space Composition
- Expository Essay: Space Research Writing
- Pictorial Story Writing: Space Fiction
- 100 Words Story: Space Fiction
- Letter to Editor: Space Journalism
- Letter to Aliens: Extraterrestrial Communication
- Review Writing: Cine Space
- Phrasing Slogans: Space Branding
- Non-Fictional Article: Space Blogging
- Script Writing: Space Drama
- CUBESAT Design: Nanosatellite Applications
- Satellite Constellation Design: Remote Sensing Applications
- Satellite Navigation Constellation: Exploring Global Positioning
- Communication Satellite Constellation: Connecting People
- Mission Designing: Satellite for Deep Space Applications
- Shooting the Night Sky: Surfing Deep Space
- Navigating Google Earth: Exploring Space Heritage
- Space Crash Inquiries: Investigating Space
- Tragedies Space Crash Inquiries: Investigating Space Tragedies
- Aviation Disasters: Mayday Calls
- Space Environmental Solutions: Remote Sensing Satellite Applications
- Zero Gravity Idea Bank: Exploring Gravity
- Flight Simulator: Pilots to Be
- Night Sky Mapping: Tracing the Constellations
- Image Interpretation: Satellite Image Processing
- Space Projects: Space Prototyping
- Paper Plane Design: Experiencing Aviation
- Aqua Rockets: Exploring Rocket Science
- Paper Spinning Top: Demonstrating Gyroscope
- Pin Wheel Design: Aeronautical Swirl
- Balloon Cart: Experimenting Thrust
- Glider Flying: Reinventing Flight
- Drag Chute: Safe Landing Design
- Painting: Colors in Space
- Sketching: Space Outlines
- Character Sketch: Women in Space
- Calligraphy: Space Scriptures
- Comics Design: Space Cartoons
- Alien Sketch: Space Caricature
- Masks Making: Space Masquerade
- Satellite Cake Bakery: Bake for Space
- Junk Design: Space Debris Management
- WSW 2021 Selfie: Collecting Memories
- Astrophotography: Capturing the Night Sky
- Space Doodles: Abstract Scribbling
- One Man Show: Dramatizing Space
Souvenir Designing:Space Mementos
Space Philately:Designing Postages
Space Coinage:Commemorative Design
Muslim Space Scientists : The Scientific Heritage
- Space Fascination: Exploring Space Research
- Space Breakthroughs: Literature Survey
- Astrobiography: Women in Space
- Space Policy: Peace and Conflict
- Space Leader: Leading a Space Nation
- Space Delegation: Representing Pakistan
- Space for Youth: Pitching Business Ideas
- Space Commercialization: Astropreneurship
- Space Park Design: Space Recreation
- Space Business Plan: Asteroid Mining
- Planetarium Design: Exploring the Dome
- Observatory Design: Space Architecture
- Space Solutions: Achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Activity Roundup: Taking Practical Steps for SDGs
- Mock UN: Using Space for Sustainability
- Resolution Paper: Using Space for Sustainability
- Sports in Space: Designing Space Olympics
- Space Settlement: Colonizing Mars
- Visualizing Space Environment: Astrobiology Solutions
- Space for All: Women Contributions
- UN SDGs: Achieving through Space Technology
- Careers in Space: The Pathways
- Space Ambassadors: Awareness & Outreach
- Google Earth: Finding the Path
- Quadcopters: Designing Rotorcraft
- CanSats: The Pico Satellites
- Stellarium: Navigating the Night Sky
- Telescope: Peeping into the Sky
- Space Environment: Effecting Attitude of CubeSats
- Space Propulsion: From Rockets to Small Satellites
- CubeSats: The Next Big Thing is Really Small
- Tracking Amateur Satellites: Live from IST Ground Station
- High Altitude Platforms (HAPs): Earth Applications
- Stratospheric Platforms: The Weather Observations
- The Solar System: Discovery
- Galaxy’s Morphology: Identifying Uniqueness
- Star Gazing: Viewing the Stars
Important Information
1. Dates : October 4 – 8 , 2021
2. Mode : Online
3. Participation Levels
a. Abecedarian (Grade 5 – 8)
b. Virtuoso (Grade 9 – 12 / O/A Levels)
c. UGrads (Undergraduates)
4. Registration Fee : PKR 3000/- Per Institution for single/multiple modules
Account Title: IST BIC
Account No: 25137000098101
Bank: Habib Bank Limited, Central Boulevard, Sector F, DHA II Islamabad, Pakistan.
Registration Method: Online/Bank Draft Transfer / Online Deposit
5. Registration Method : Register Here
6. Knowledge Database : Click Here
Awards and Honours
a. WSW 2021 Champion : Shield & Certificate to best participating with maximum winnings School
b. Module Excellence Awards: Shield + Certificate of Excellence ( Individual/Team award for each module)
c. Module Runner Up Certificates: Certificate of Excellence – Runner Up (each module)
d. Space Ambassador Award: Shield + Certificate to Best Space Ambassador (Male & Female ) ; The focal person of school/college
e. Space Ambassador Certificates : Certificate of Acknowledgment to all space ambassadors
f. Certificates: Participation Certificates to all registered participants
g. Adjudicators Souvenirs : Certificate of Acknowledgment and Souvenirs to all space ambassadors
Space Ambassadors’ Forum
The purpose of the Space Ambassadors Forum is to equip focal persons/space ambassadors of respective schools, colleges & universities participating in World Space Week 2021 with requisite tool and guidelines necessary for registration and participation processes.
Space Ambassadors’ Forum this year will be held on-campus at Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad on Tuesday, September 21, 2021.
Partner Institutes
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