The emerging demand of GIS and Space Applications for the socio-economic development of Pakistan impelled the HEC to develop the National Center of GIS and Space Applications in addition to the already established four national centers, namely the National Center on Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Cloud Computing, Robotics and Automation, and Cyber Security.

The centers envisaged the development in futuristic areas that are of strategic national importance, economic benefit, creation of knowledge economy, and scientific leadership. In this regard HEC proposed the establishment of the National Centre of GIS & Space Applications.

Scientific Objectives

With the development of NCGSA, we will achieve the following objectives:

  • To develop specialized scientific human resource and national capacity in the field of space science, technology and applications to carry out research and development in this growing scientific domain for the socio-economic uplift and development of Pakistan.

  • To develop new and to upgrade existing models, maps, solutions, data, prototypes and products along with academic and research output in the areas of environment, climate, water, agriculture, geoscience, geo-health, geo-forensic, mineral inventory, positioning applications, small satellite development, computational and observational astronomy & astrophysics, space education and awareness.

  • To design solutions for local users and taking them to market through technology commercialization, patenting and licensing and to develop National/International linkages, outreach and capacity building in the fields of GIS and Space Applications.

  • To provide high-value shared services to academia, startups and private/public industrial partners.

  • To create awareness among general masses about the bounties of space technology and its applications and to create a hub for hands-on training and workshops for students, academicians, professionals, entrepreneurs and public /private industry.

Research Domains

NCGSA Research Labs aims significant progress in the following research domains:

  • Geo Forensic, Geo Health and Geo hazards

  • Mineral Inventory

  • Theoretical, Computational and Observational Astronomy & Astrophysics

  • Space Education, Outreach and Capacity Building

  • GNSS Research, Development and Applications

  • Small Satellite Development

  • Capacity Building in Space Sector

  • Remote Sensing for Agriculture

  • Geological Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing

  • Water and Forest Resources

  • Climate and Environment

  • Land Use, Land Cover and Urban Planning

Partner Universities

NCGSA Research labs are housed at following 7 Higher Education Institutes around Pakistan:

  • Balochistan University of IT, Engineering and Management Sciences (BUITEMS), Quetta

  • Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University (SBK), Quetta

  • Institute of Space Technology (IST), Islamabad

  • University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF), Faisalabad

  • University of Peshawar (UOP), Peshawar

  • Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University (SBBU), Sheringal, Dir

  • University of the Punjab (UOP), Lahore

National Steering Committee

National Steering Committee is a supra body which supervises the execution of the project activities and provides constructive and timely feedback to the center to continuously improve its performance. NSC comprises of the following esteemed members:

Executive Director, HEC (In Chair)
Member S&T and ICT, Planning Commission
Vice Chancellor,IST Islamabad
Director, Institute Of Space Technology , Karachi University
Chief Executive Officer, IGNITE
Chief Executive Officer, Integrated Dynamics
Exponent Engineers
Pvt. Ltd.
Chairman, NCGSA


Dr Najam Abbas Naqvi Chairman/Project Director NCGSA
Usama Ahmad
Co-Ordinator NCGSA
Muhammad Nouman Shaikh
Senior Program Manager
Nimra Noor
Business Development Manager
Aqsa Zouq

Research and M&E Officer

Accounts and Audit Officer

“I don’t think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space.”
Stephen Hawking