GNSS and Space Education Research Lab
GNSS and Space Education Research Lab (GSERL) is dedicated to produce cutting edge research outputs and human resource capacity building in the field of Global Navigation Satellite Systems and space.
Major research activities of GSERL include but not limited to transport monitoring system, livestock management using GNSS, Jamming & Spoofing, GNSS – INS Integration and GNSS Augmentation Systems. GSERL, in collaboration with the international GNSS community and local resources, aims to develop significant tools and techniques on national level to help harvest numerous benefits of GNSS and space applications.
GSERL also focuses on research for methods to spread mass awareness on national level about space science, technology and its applications through various summer/winter schools, seminars, events, workshops & training, competitions and public gatherings for all age groups. The lab aims to incorporate all the segments of the society towards a common goal of realizing the potential in space science & technology for socio-economic and technological development at national and international level.

Research Domains
Domain 1 – Space Awareness and Outreach
This application domain deals with the space education and awareness activities targeting general masses for the greater impact.
Domain 2 – Education & Training
This Application domain focuses on the education and specialized trainings related to space science & technology and GNSS. Several education programs, including degree programs will be run throughout the year to develop specialized human resource in the domains of Space Science & Technology and GNSS.
Domain 3 – GNSS Research & Development
This Application domain is specifically focused on GNSS. Purpose of the domain is to design and develop some hardware and software solutions using GNSS. These solutions will be focused on the real-life problems in our society.
Domain 4 – GNSS Applications
This domain deals with the applications and spins offs of GNSS. Various applications of GNSS technology will be applied to design solutions, applications and research products.